Lipsticktracez interviews the Dads

Lipsticktracez dives into the world of some of the biggest dads in the industry. They meet with Visvim’s Creative Director, Hiroki, who claims his reason for becoming a confirmed naturalist is for his 3yr old daughter Rico. Other dads include Karl Taro Greenfeld, Neville Wakefield, and Liam Gillick. Check out the interviews here! And ring […]

Lipsticktracez dives into the world of some of the biggest dads in the industry. They meet with Visvim’s Creative Director, Hiroki, who claims his reason for becoming a confirmed naturalist is for his 3yr old daughter Rico. Other dads include Karl Taro Greenfeld, Neville Wakefield, and Liam Gillick. Check out the interviews here! And ring your dad x